You know when your favorite song comes on, you belt it out at the top of your lungs?! Well now you can put those skills to good use.
UVic student, Shawn Slavin, wants you!

Photo Credit: Darren Stone,
For the last 3 months, he’s been organizing the orchestration of the biggest lip synching event of all time, in the hopes of shattering the current Guinness World Record!
Here’s the back story. A few months back a story came out about a school also known as UVic, near Barcelona, that had released a video of 900 students and staff lip synching to Train’s “Hey, Soul Sister”…their YouTube video has attracted over 800, 000 viewers online. Shawn heard about it and wanted to do something similar in Victoria.
So he’s organized the event for this weekend, with the hopes of getting 3, 000 lip synchers…and not just students/staff of UVic.
That’s where you come in. Brush up on the lyrics to Michael Buble’s “Haven’t Met You Yet” AND Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” and come out to show your lip synching support this Saturday. It’s also a fundraiser in support of the United Way and the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. So even more incentive to be there.
How fun! And a chance to set a world record doing something you probably already rock out…ROCKING OUT!
More details
And if you want to check out how the "other" UVic's video turned out, it's