I was out for breaky with my girlfriend the other day and she was telling me about work and how it's not what she wants to do "when she grows up". She's done the travelling thing, has the degree, even works a secure job, which she achieved through said degree, but it just doesn't make her heart go pitter patter.
She was telling me about some other career options she wants to look into. MED SCHOOL!!! I have super smart friends. I told her "go for it!" You gotta be happy at work. Period. Dot. No questions. And if you're not? Listen to your heart (super cheesy, that's how I roll) and do something about it.
I never grew up knowing I wanted to be in radio. At the start of grade 12, I actually had never thought about it, and would never have guessed it would be my path. My brother got into radio school (RADIO SCHOOL?!) when I was still in highschool and he would come home on weekends or whatever and show me what he was learning at school. It was the coolest! How could this be what you're studying? I remember thinking.
Monkey see, monkey do, I guess. I applied for the Broadcast Communications course at BCIT and the rest, as they say, is history. I've been working in radio for over 7 years now and honestly can't imagine doing anything else. I love this industry so much. Almost as much as Criminal Minds
I see you, Gideon. |
and my dog, Charlie.
Heart Melt. |
The fact that I have two pictures of both CM and Charlie readily available on my computer should be an indication of how much I love both. And also how much I love radio to be able to compare it to the above.
I digress.
When did you know what you wanted to do was what you wanted to do? Or do you? Are you still figuring it out? It's tough, isn't it?
I sure hope you have found, or soon find, that career path that makes your heart go pitter patter. It's a pretty incredible feeling.