This past Monday (December 27) and Tuesday (December 28), I had the great pleassure of filling in for Bruce Williams as the weather gal for /A\ Vancouver Island.
It was my first time on television, and while a lot of the same things apply for TV as they do in radio, it was still a totally new experience. For example, in radio you don't have to worry about if your lipstick has rubbed off on your teeth. Heck, you don't even have to wear lipstick! Another thing I learned...wind is not your friend when you're on camera. As you can see.
But overall, it was a wonderful experience and I'm so happy to have gotten the chance to work with the amazing people at /A\.
Here's the proof that I really did this!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Which way to Christmas?
Congrats to everyone who competed in the Times Colonist's Annual Christmas Lighting Contest!! Here's the map to some of the brightest locations in the city; you can click on it to make the image bigger.
This year, I'm ashamed to say I did not hang lights of my own. BUT! Because of all the organized people who did, I'll just drive around and enjoy their labour. And you can too...Happy Holidays!

This year, I'm ashamed to say I did not hang lights of my own. BUT! Because of all the organized people who did, I'll just drive around and enjoy their labour. And you can too...Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Is this just a beginning?
Help! In the wake of the holiday season, I've been sending out cards like a madwoman (on a sidenote, I'm going to start writing more letters and cards. It feels so good to send someone you love a nice note from time to time via regular snail mail. Plus mailing letters makes me feel mature and important.)
Stay focused, Britt! anyway, with all the important card-writing, I became very aware of the fact that when signing off, I ended every card with a variation of "Love, Brittany and Charlie".
Charlie being my dog. Does this mean I'm one step away from looking like him, too? While he is a cutied patootie, I'm not quite ready to be one of those people.

Stay focused, Britt! anyway, with all the important card-writing, I became very aware of the fact that when signing off, I ended every card with a variation of "Love, Brittany and Charlie".
Charlie being my dog. Does this mean I'm one step away from looking like him, too? While he is a cutied patootie, I'm not quite ready to be one of those people.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The holidays just got better...
with this new Nelly Furtado music video. A mash up of all her hit songs and videos, turned into one magical music video of Nelly Furtado.
Don't you just LOVE THIS! I makes you remember all the kick butt songs Nelly's released in the last 10 years. And she's such a stunner, too! Yes, I fully have a girl crush on Nelly Furtado. And I'm fine with it.
Don't you just LOVE THIS! I makes you remember all the kick butt songs Nelly's released in the last 10 years. And she's such a stunner, too! Yes, I fully have a girl crush on Nelly Furtado. And I'm fine with it.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Nativity Scene 2.0
Happy Hanukka!
This video courtesy of a group of students from a Jewish university in New York. It was just uploaded last week and already, more than 2 million viewers. Crazy!
Just want to celebrate for all 8 nights...singin' ay oh, light the candle!
It'll be stuck in your head for the rest of the day. You're welcome.
Just want to celebrate for all 8 nights...singin' ay oh, light the candle!
It'll be stuck in your head for the rest of the day. You're welcome.
Friday, December 3, 2010
A Christmas Baking Disaster
So I just moved into my condo in September and am anxious to win over my neighbors with my obvious charm and holiday spirit. Go ahead, call me a Brown Noser. I know you're thinking it.

Anyway, I'm thinking shortbread or sugar cookies this year...something easy. Because a few years ago we were making buttertarts and things didn't go well.
I was in charge of reading the amount of what ingredient to add. Should have used a ruler. The ingredients were on the left side, and the amount was on the right side. Where I should have told my friend to add a "dash of salt", I read the wrong amount, and told her instead, "5 tablespoons". Oopsie!
It gets worse. Since we hadn't yet realized the mistake, neither of us did a taste test before wrapping them up or handing out to friends, family and co-workers. Oopsie X 2.
You don't easily recover from that kind of embarrassment. They still tell me to stay out of the kitchen whenever I visit.

Anyway, I'm thinking shortbread or sugar cookies this year...something easy. Because a few years ago we were making buttertarts and things didn't go well.
I was in charge of reading the amount of what ingredient to add. Should have used a ruler. The ingredients were on the left side, and the amount was on the right side. Where I should have told my friend to add a "dash of salt", I read the wrong amount, and told her instead, "5 tablespoons". Oopsie!
It gets worse. Since we hadn't yet realized the mistake, neither of us did a taste test before wrapping them up or handing out to friends, family and co-workers. Oopsie X 2.
You don't easily recover from that kind of embarrassment. They still tell me to stay out of the kitchen whenever I visit.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Have you ever found a note from the last borrower of a library book you're reading? I did! This morning I was reading in bed and turned the page of my current read, Shutter Island, and found a little yellow sticky note that read, "take the time to savour this beautifully written paragraph". I did.
And it was indeed a beautifully written paragraph. Thanks, anonymous sticky note writer, you made my day.
And it was indeed a beautifully written paragraph. Thanks, anonymous sticky note writer, you made my day.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Mark your calendar!!
For the referendum and by-election THIS SATURDAY!!
Advance voting was on all this week and guess what? An increase of 33% came out this time comapared to the last election. Let's keep those numbers climbing! Victoria has a potential 75 thousand voters. To learn if you're one of them and to find out where to vote click here.
Remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain. Well I guess you could complain, but no one will take you seriously.
Advance voting was on all this week and guess what? An increase of 33% came out this time comapared to the last election. Let's keep those numbers climbing! Victoria has a potential 75 thousand voters. To learn if you're one of them and to find out where to vote click here.
Remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain. Well I guess you could complain, but no one will take you seriously.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Is there ever a polite way...
to tell someone you love they need to trim their nose, ear, knuckle or other sensitive hairs?
It's a delicate situation, especially since more times than not, that person is a little older and you fear hurting their feelings.

Case in point, Sunday night at my mom's house for a family dinner. I'm still not sure how it came up, but somehow the conversation turned from the weather, to my Nonno's (grandpa) bushy eyebrows*. And after some badgering, encouragement and then more badgering, he gave in and let my brother trim his brows. Fortunately, the end result turned out great, right Nonna?
*Please be advised my Nonno's eyebrows are NOT pictured above. That is a photo of Susan Boyle, who also has bushy eyebrows.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Rememberence Day Ceremonies
Hats off to our sister station, CFAX, for all the deets on what's happening throughout the island tomorrow for Remem
brance Day.
I'm looking forwar
d to the ceremony at the Leg. It's been a few years since I was in Victoria for November 11th, but they always do a beautiful job. Between the wreath-laying, bagpipes and dignitaries, it's a really special day to be apart of share your gratitude for the men and women who have and continue to sacrifice for us.
I really hope you're able to make it to some sort of Remembrance Day ceremony tomorrow and take time to think about what the day means to you.

I'm looking forwar

I really hope you're able to make it to some sort of Remembrance Day ceremony tomorrow and take time to think about what the day means to you.
It's like riding a bike...I hope
You know what really sucks? When you learn something, then stop practicing it, and eventually forget the basics. Example? Me taking guitar lessons several years ago. Love, love, loved it! And then at the end of the year (on the last lesson before summer break) my instructor asked me out. It was super awkward and I never went back to him after the break. It was just too uncomfortable.
So now my guitar is collecting dust. Well it WAS collecting dust. Until last night. I've been thinking about picking it up for a while now. I love the guitar, and to have learned something and then forgot it is too sad for me. Plus, my BF loves to play, so it would be a great way for us to bond. And let's be honest. I watch too much doing anything that doesn't involve The Jersey Shore is a wonderful thing.
The fact that I'm posting this on my blog also holds me accountable to keep at it! So now that I'm starting to get back into it, let's jam! But only using notes b, c, d, e, f, g. I'm still re-learning. Patience.
So now my guitar is collecting dust. Well it WAS collecting dust. Until last night. I've been thinking about picking it up for a while now. I love the guitar, and to have learned something and then forgot it is too sad for me. Plus, my BF loves to play, so it would be a great way for us to bond. And let's be honest. I watch too much doing anything that doesn't involve The Jersey Shore is a wonderful thing.
The fact that I'm posting this on my blog also holds me accountable to keep at it! So now that I'm starting to get back into it, let's jam! But only using notes b, c, d, e, f, g. I'm still re-learning. Patience.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A Pleasant Surprise!
Couldn't sleep last night. So I turned to my BFF for help. George Stroumboulopoulos. He was on with his re-vamped half hour show (as oppose to the full hour which he used to do up until September of this year.)
Anyway! I tuned in for his interview with Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez. And I have to say, WOW. Not knowing much about either of them, I assumed they'd be full of hot air (being related to Charlie Sheen could have that effect). But totally not true at all! They were well spoken, intelligent, funny and accomplished. Doing really worthwhile things that don't include exotic dancers, hotels and drugs. (Charlie take note.)
Yes, they're big time actors/producers. But also! Martin Sheen is a really passionate activist and Emilio is totally into growing his own food and becoming self-suffient that way.
You should watch it. Really. The interview starts at about 9:50. Enjoy!
Anyway! I tuned in for his interview with Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez. And I have to say, WOW. Not knowing much about either of them, I assumed they'd be full of hot air (being related to Charlie Sheen could have that effect). But totally not true at all! They were well spoken, intelligent, funny and accomplished. Doing really worthwhile things that don't include exotic dancers, hotels and drugs. (Charlie take note.)
Yes, they're big time actors/producers. But also! Martin Sheen is a really passionate activist and Emilio is totally into growing his own food and becoming self-suffient that way.
You should watch it. Really. The interview starts at about 9:50. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
"Never Say Never"
Wise words, Justin.
And also the title of his upcomming movie, (in 3D!!!) which comes out February 2011. Get in line now. No, seriously...think of all the tweens who will be waiting for their first 3D glimpse of The Bieb. It's going to be pandemonium!
I'm hoping for some insight on how he gets his hair as feathery as he does!
And also the title of his upcomming movie, (in 3D!!!) which comes out February 2011. Get in line now. No, seriously...think of all the tweens who will be waiting for their first 3D glimpse of The Bieb. It's going to be pandemonium!
I'm hoping for some insight on how he gets his hair as feathery as he does!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Extra, Extra! Read All About It!! it just me, or does Brian look way too cozy with all those bras? Ch-ch-check it out!
Friday, October 22, 2010
GLEE Gone Wild!
Wow! Some people are really up in arms over the new GQ Magazine cover, with GLEE castmembers, Lea Michele, Dianna Agron and Cory Monteith.
The View, Katie Couric, Parents Television Council. Some comments have even said the photos border pedophillia. Yikes!
They may play teenagers on the show, but they're all in their 20's (24 and 28).
What do you think?

They may play teenagers on the show, but they're all in their 20's (24 and 28).
What do you think?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Even Neon Trees have a case of Bieber Fever!
And if the beginning sounds familiar...well duh! It's Ben E. King's "Stand by Me".
What do you think of the mash-up?
What do you think of the mash-up?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Bras on Broad
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so to recognize that and to support The BC Cancer Foundation, we're stringing bras all over the KOOL FM Building, naturally.
The Deets:
Friday October 29, 6am-6pm
We’ll be live from street level
We’ll string bras along Broad St and all over our building!
Drop off your bras (new or gently used) to:
· 107.3 KOOL FM (1420 Broad St. M – F, 8:30am to 4:30pm)
· Hillside Centre – Big Pink Bra Box
You can also purchase a “cutout” bra at KOOL FM or at Hillside Centre, write a message on it, and it will be displayed at Hillside Centre and KOOL FM during Bras on Broad!
You should definitely drop off a Nonna's going to!
The Deets:
Friday October 29, 6am-6pm
We’ll be live from street level
We’ll string bras along Broad St and all over our building!
Drop off your bras (new or gently used) to:
· 107.3 KOOL FM (1420 Broad St. M – F, 8:30am to 4:30pm)
· Hillside Centre – Big Pink Bra Box
You can also purchase a “cutout” bra at KOOL FM or at Hillside Centre, write a message on it, and it will be displayed at Hillside Centre and KOOL FM during Bras on Broad!
You should definitely drop off a Nonna's going to!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
It's the Cable Guy!
And he's coming to my house today. Hopefully.
Last Thursday my cable shut off. I was trying to see how long the free cable would last after the previous owners moved out. My plan was foiled when it shut off RIGHT before Grey's Anatomy. Ugh.
Buuuttttt, I found out who my friends were when I got some invitations to other people's houses to watch. Thanks Ceara K, *Liz and Maria. (A co-worker, my cousin and my mom). HAHAHA.
So today, just in time for this week's Grey's, the CG will be over between 4-6pm. Here's hoping anyway. If not, I may call you for an invite. No, seriously.
*I may or may not have called her and invited myself over. Whatever. We're family.

Buuuttttt, I found out who my friends were when I got some invitations to other people's houses to watch. Thanks Ceara K, *Liz and Maria. (A co-worker, my cousin and my mom). HAHAHA.
So today, just in time for this week's Grey's, the CG will be over between 4-6pm. Here's hoping anyway. If not, I may call you for an invite. No, seriously.
*I may or may not have called her and invited myself over. Whatever. We're family.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
President Trump?
It could happen. The Donald has recently expressed feelings on running for PRESIDENT in 2012. Makes sense. He already owns pretty much everything, may as well officially run the country, too.
PLUS! Could you imagine if he did win the election...and when he'd come to Canada to talk politics with Prime Minister Haper.
The Donald: "Stephen, I am interested in discussing a new stimulus plan and all that jazz, but first, I have to ask...HOW DO YOU GET YOUR HAIR TO LOOK LIKE THAT?"
Steveo: "I was thinking the same thing about YOU!"

And then they'd play hairdresser late into the night.
PLUS! Could you imagine if he did win the election...and when he'd come to Canada to talk politics with Prime Minister Haper.
The Donald: "Stephen, I am interested in discussing a new stimulus plan and all that jazz, but first, I have to ask...HOW DO YOU GET YOUR HAIR TO LOOK LIKE THAT?"
Steveo: "I was thinking the same thing about YOU!"
And then they'd play hairdresser late into the night.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Social Network
You don't get to 22.5 million dollars in the opening weekend without making a really good movie. I like my line better than the ACTUAL tagline for the movie:
That's alright, too, I guess.
But seriously. See it. I'll even pay for you to check it out*.
*No, I won't. Do you know how much that would cost?!?! Who do you think I am? Mark Zuckerberg?

But seriously. See it. I'll even pay for you to check it out*.
*No, I won't. Do you know how much that would cost?!?! Who do you think I am? Mark Zuckerberg?
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Coming Soon to A Book Club Near YOU...
Uh Oh.
Snooki, of The Jersey Shore Fame, is getting...a book deal? Yes. True story. Unfortunately.
The "novel" is tentatively called "It's a Shore Thing", telling the captivating tale of a young girl looking for love on "the Shore". It's being described as "fun and sexy". *With lots of pictures.
*I made this up, but how can a book by Snooki NOT be all pictures?
Snooki, of The Jersey Shore Fame, is getting...a book deal? Yes. True story. Unfortunately.

*I made this up, but how can a book by Snooki NOT be all pictures?
Monday, September 27, 2010
I'm gonna take you to the bank... the Blood Bank.
Sorry. I couldn't resist.
If you're a fan of Steven Seagal, and really who isn't, you may be interested in knowing he's on the island filming a new movie. It's got some serious Oscar buzz. Why are you laughing? Is it the picture below or that I said a SS movie had Oscar buzz? Or both? Whatever.
Sorry. I couldn't resist.
If you're a fan of Steven Seagal, and really who isn't, you may be interested in knowing he's on the island filming a new movie. It's got some serious Oscar buzz. Why are you laughing? Is it the picture below or that I said a SS movie had Oscar buzz? Or both? Whatever.
He'll be in Coombs this Saturday. But not related to the movie. But rather, a guest appearance at the Buddhist Temple in Coombs ( 2800 Grafton Ave) for a lecture called "Life and the Dharma". 4pm and open to the public. Addmission is $40, but space is limited.
Interested? Call 250-240-3569 to reserve your spot.
I still have hair left!
Why is this such a big deal, you ask? Because this weekend was moving weekend. And with all the stress that comes along with moving, I was nervous I'd pull out all my hair. I only pulled half of it out. And a cute hat can hide that.
On Friday I took possession of my new Victoria home. This is great news. Having to clean/unpack/clean again is not good news. And I'm still doing it.
It's so draining! And expensive.
-Movers (after 10 moves, I broke down and hired someone else to do it) $300
-Cleaning Supplies: $30
-Touch-up Paint: $25
-Hydro/Cable: $60
-Never having to hear my mother shout, "Turn that TV down, I can hear it in my bedroom": PRICELESS
On Friday I took possession of my new Victoria home. This is great news. Having to clean/unpack/clean again is not good news. And I'm still doing it.
It's so draining! And expensive.
-Movers (after 10 moves, I broke down and hired someone else to do it) $300
-Cleaning Supplies: $30
-Touch-up Paint: $25
-Hydro/Cable: $60
-Never having to hear my mother shout, "Turn that TV down, I can hear it in my bedroom": PRICELESS
Friday, September 24, 2010
What are the odds?
Beat the Bank...not just about the money. But let's be honest, that's a big part of it. The other day I heard about some students at Campus View Elementary in Gordon Head who use Beat the Bank in their daily math lesson.
So the odds are in your favor...stop being such a chicken and GO FOR IT! (Easy for me to say, right?). Beat the Bank, weekdays at 8:10 with Robin and Brian, 11:10 and 2:10 with myself and 4:10 with Ceara K. Good luck!
So the odds are in your favor...stop being such a chicken and GO FOR IT! (Easy for me to say, right?). Beat the Bank, weekdays at 8:10 with Robin and Brian, 11:10 and 2:10 with myself and 4:10 with Ceara K. Good luck!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Rock On!
You know when your favorite song comes on, you belt it out at the top of your lungs?! Well now you can put those skills to good use.
UVic student, Shawn Slavin, wants you!
Photo Credit: Darren Stone,
For the last 3 months, he’s been organizing the orchestration of the biggest lip synching event of all time, in the hopes of shattering the current Guinness World Record!
Here’s the back story. A few months back a story came out about a school also known as UVic, near Barcelona, that had released a video of 900 students and staff lip synching to Train’s “Hey, Soul Sister”…their YouTube video has attracted over 800, 000 viewers online. Shawn heard about it and wanted to do something similar in Victoria.
So he’s organized the event for this weekend, with the hopes of getting 3, 000 lip synchers…and not just students/staff of UVic.
That’s where you come in. Brush up on the lyrics to Michael Buble’s “Haven’t Met You Yet” AND Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” and come out to show your lip synching support this Saturday. It’s also a fundraiser in support of the United Way and the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. So even more incentive to be there.
How fun! And a chance to set a world record doing something you probably already rock out…ROCKING OUT!
More details HERE.
And if you want to check out how the "other" UVic's video turned out, it's HERE.
UVic student, Shawn Slavin, wants you!

For the last 3 months, he’s been organizing the orchestration of the biggest lip synching event of all time, in the hopes of shattering the current Guinness World Record!
Here’s the back story. A few months back a story came out about a school also known as UVic, near Barcelona, that had released a video of 900 students and staff lip synching to Train’s “Hey, Soul Sister”…their YouTube video has attracted over 800, 000 viewers online. Shawn heard about it and wanted to do something similar in Victoria.
So he’s organized the event for this weekend, with the hopes of getting 3, 000 lip synchers…and not just students/staff of UVic.
That’s where you come in. Brush up on the lyrics to Michael Buble’s “Haven’t Met You Yet” AND Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” and come out to show your lip synching support this Saturday. It’s also a fundraiser in support of the United Way and the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. So even more incentive to be there.
How fun! And a chance to set a world record doing something you probably already rock out…ROCKING OUT!
More details HERE.
And if you want to check out how the "other" UVic's video turned out, it's HERE.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
It's Judgement Day
What does September mean to you? Kids go back to school. All the changing colours. That crip morning air. Blah blah blah. Let's be honest. You're most excited about the return of your fave TV shows.

Earlier today, live from LA, Ryan Seacrest confirmed the new judges for season 10 of American Idol. Steven Tyler? Check. Jennifer Lopez? Check. Randy Jackson? Check, dawg.
Auditions continue, for better or for worse, with the new season starting in January 2011.
Now if you'll excuse me, a new episode of The View is on. Then Ellen. I heart September.

Earlier today, live from LA, Ryan Seacrest confirmed the new judges for season 10 of American Idol. Steven Tyler? Check. Jennifer Lopez? Check. Randy Jackson? Check, dawg.
Auditions continue, for better or for worse, with the new season starting in January 2011.
Now if you'll excuse me, a new episode of The View is on. Then Ellen. I heart September.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Let's Reflect
Say goodbye to that attractive sunglass tan you've been working on, because today is the LAST day of summer! Wait, why did I put an exclamation mark there? This isn't good news.
But it's been a good summer for this girl, so I can't complain. I went on a couple UNREAL fishing trips, managed a trip back to Alberta (yes, that was a good thing), bought a Victoria condo, will be moving out of my mom's house as a result of said condo and got to spend my first summer back home after years away working at KOOL FM!!! And that, my friend, was the highlight of my summer. And I'm not just saying that because The Big Bossman will be reading this.
What was the highlight of your summer?

What was the highlight of your summer?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lady Gaga's New Video!
Not music video.
She's headed to YouTube to post a video urging fans to get in touch with their state senators and let them know they disagree with the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy within the US Military. Basically, the cliff notes version of the policy excludes openly gay, lesbian, or bisexuals from military service.
I'm so used to seeing Gaga in crazy outfits saying crazy things. This video is different. And she's not wearing meat. Which somehow makes it more credible.
She's headed to YouTube to post a video urging fans to get in touch with their state senators and let them know they disagree with the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy within the US Military. Basically, the cliff notes version of the policy excludes openly gay, lesbian, or bisexuals from military service.
I'm so used to seeing Gaga in crazy outfits saying crazy things. This video is different. And she's not wearing meat. Which somehow makes it more credible.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tell your friends, tell your kids...
OK, maybe I'm hyping this too much...
Tonight, I BOUGHT A NEW BED!!!
Let me explain. I was offered an entire bedset (frame, boxspring and mattress) from someone I work with. I was a little hesitant...would you accept a used mattress from someone you work with? Who was this generous co-worker, you ask? Danny the Intern. Does that make it any better/worse? HAHA, just kidding, DTI.
Anyway, I said "thanks, but no thanks"...and after work today, I was the Goldilocks of Victoria, laying on a million different mattresses. And then I found it. Love at first lay, if you will.
Why is this such a big deal, you ask? Because in one week's time, this new adult bed of mine (pictured above*) will be going into my new adult house. One week til moving time, baby!
What's that? You want to help me move? That's very nice of you. And I accept your offer.
PS, how lame is it that I'm blogging about my bed purchase on a Friday night?
*Not really, but hopefully the idea made you laugh a bit
OK, maybe I'm hyping this too much...
Tonight, I BOUGHT A NEW BED!!!

Anyway, I said "thanks, but no thanks"...and after work today, I was the Goldilocks of Victoria, laying on a million different mattresses. And then I found it. Love at first lay, if you will.
Why is this such a big deal, you ask? Because in one week's time, this new adult bed of mine (pictured above*) will be going into my new adult house. One week til moving time, baby!
What's that? You want to help me move? That's very nice of you. And I accept your offer.
PS, how lame is it that I'm blogging about my bed purchase on a Friday night?
*Not really, but hopefully the idea made you laugh a bit
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Pleasant Surprise...
Today I came across the new blog of Darlene Egelhoff. Who? That's what I thought.
Darlene is the mother of Heidi Montag. And she started a blog. Another way to gain fame for the family? That's also what I thought. But then I went to the site...and was plesantly surprised.
The blog is called Metamorphosis of a Mother and is all about Darlene's 27 years as a mother, and the successes and struggles she's gone through. And how she's dealing with her last child about to leave the nest. It's funny. It's very well written. It's insightful. And it's by Heidi's Mom. Which, for me, was the most surprising.
Darlene is the mother of Heidi Montag. And she started a blog. Another way to gain fame for the family? That's also what I thought. But then I went to the site...and was plesantly surprised.
The blog is called Metamorphosis of a Mother and is all about Darlene's 27 years as a mother, and the successes and struggles she's gone through. And how she's dealing with her last child about to leave the nest. It's funny. It's very well written. It's insightful. And it's by Heidi's Mom. Which, for me, was the most surprising.
What was the best concert you ever went to?
You may not have been in New York for the Eminem/Jay-z concert, so here's the next best thing. Sorta.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
This happened to a friend of mine...

I logged on to Facbeook today and see this girl's status explaining how she just signed up for e-Harmony and gets matched up with...are you ready for this?...her EX-BOYFRIEND!!! Are you kidding me?? Nope. True story.
Sooo...let's talk online dating. Does it work?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Real Gaga or just a Gag?
Lady Gaga was in concert Tuesday night and stopped mid-song to break up a fight in the audience. Was it for real? Or a staged thing for publicity? Not that she needs any more publicity. She did just turn up on the cover of Japan's VOGUE Magazine wearing a raw meat bikini.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Best of 2009
Big thanks to a KOOL FM listener who called in for a request. And guess what? It wasn't for Justin Bieber. So thanks for that, too.
He wanted to hear "United State of Pop 2009" By DJ Earworm. I'd never heard of the song, so I looked for it on YouTube...and found out over 27, 000 people had. Where have I been? It's a crazy mash-up of all the hottest songs from last year, mixed with parts of the music videos, too! Incredible!
I wonder what songs from 2010 will make the cut for the next mash-up?
He wanted to hear "United State of Pop 2009" By DJ Earworm. I'd never heard of the song, so I looked for it on YouTube...and found out over 27, 000 people had. Where have I been? It's a crazy mash-up of all the hottest songs from last year, mixed with parts of the music videos, too! Incredible!
I wonder what songs from 2010 will make the cut for the next mash-up?
Move like Ke$ha...without the dollar sign
This is why I would never want to be famous...because old stuff like this (a video of Ke$ha from back in highschool) would no doubt surface and it would be totally awkward. Not that there are any videos of me dancing...oh crap...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Justin Bieber scares me.
This is scary...Bieber Fever taking over CSI for the season premier September 23. Yikes!
Monday, September 6, 2010
And while we're on to new music videos...
Check out the official video for B.O.B.'s Magic.
Do you like? What's with the girl eating the cereal from the sink? The BATHROOM SINK, too! I know she's trying to be sexy...but all I can think about is how unsanitary it would be to eat your breakfast out of the bathroom sink.
Do you like? What's with the girl eating the cereal from the sink? The BATHROOM SINK, too! I know she's trying to be sexy...but all I can think about is how unsanitary it would be to eat your breakfast out of the bathroom sink.
Katy Perry's New Music Video is a Work of ART!
OK, fine. This isn't the official video for "Teenage Dream". But it should be. Definitely.
My favorite part is at 0:59-1:01.
My favorite part is at 0:59-1:01.
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Anti-Bieber Fever
What's that? You DON'T like Justin Bieber? And you LIKE watching him get hit in the head with a waterbottle. Well then we share a couple things in common.
Check this video's the original AutoTune Remix of the original video. I think I enjoy it more than "Baby", but only cause you get to see him get hit over and over again.
Check this video's the original AutoTune Remix of the original video. I think I enjoy it more than "Baby", but only cause you get to see him get hit over and over again.
Life is good for B.O.B.
B.O.B. got the chance of a lifetime opening up for Eminem and Jay-z at a couple shows in Detroit. Here's the vid for BOB's "Airplanes" along with Em and of course Hayley Williams.
Warning: it's Eminem we're talking about here, so f-bombs are unavoidable.
The sound's a little too loud, but you get the idea. If you want to hear it in better quality, click here.
Warning: it's Eminem we're talking about here, so f-bombs are unavoidable.
The sound's a little too loud, but you get the idea. If you want to hear it in better quality, click here.
Thank you Mother Nature!!
Great news going into the September Long Weekend...the campfire ban has been lifted!! Look how much fun they're having!
Still, there are some things to be aware of this weekend. Watch them here.

This is awesome news, because not only does it mean the return of s'mores...but campfire sing-alongs are back, baby! Let's face it, "Cumbuya" just doesn't sound the same when it's sung around a flashlight.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Best Bikini Bod

A new British Poll was done for the best bikini bod in 2010...leading the pack in first and second place were a couple models (figures!) from the UK...Abbey Clancy and Kelly Brook.
Then came Katy Perry (pictured above) in the third spot, followed by Jennifer Aniston and Rihanna.
Maybe next year I'll make the cut. But probably not. So if you'll excuse me I have a bag of BBQ chips to enjoy. And some more photo editing to do. Hey, if I can't make the list for real, at least I can photoshop my face on the bodies.
Yet ANOTHER reason it rocks to live in Victoria
This summer was the 6th sunniest on record according to Environment Canada!
The sunniest summer the capital city ever experienced was back in '85...but this year we had slightly higher temperatures in August, at about 22.7...just over the normal average of 22.
I had a GREAT summer in the sun! Hope you did too! What were some of your Summer '10 highlights? Post 'em in the comments.
Here's to a sunny September, too! Nothing beats fall in the capital.

I had a GREAT summer in the sun! Hope you did too! What were some of your Summer '10 highlights? Post 'em in the comments.
Here's to a sunny September, too! Nothing beats fall in the capital.
Monday, August 30, 2010
And the Award goes to...
Ugh. Anyone else watch the Emmy's last night? I'm pretty sure they're still going on...why do they have to be so freakin' loooonnnggg???
Much more exciting are the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12.
Ke$ha filmed her own stunts for one promo video. She had to wear a harness for a falling scene, which she claims is much harder than it looks. She told MTV, "I did do all my own stunts today, and my vag hurts. It was kind of scary, because . . . I was flying around." She added, "I was only, like, 12 feet high. Worst-case scenario: I just would have, like, broke an arm."
Was it worth it? You tell me.
Much more exciting are the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12.
Ke$ha filmed her own stunts for one promo video. She had to wear a harness for a falling scene, which she claims is much harder than it looks. She told MTV, "I did do all my own stunts today, and my vag hurts. It was kind of scary, because . . . I was flying around." She added, "I was only, like, 12 feet high. Worst-case scenario: I just would have, like, broke an arm."

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Dancing with the...Stars???
Guilty pleassure TV is back, baby! Season 11 of Dancing with the Stars returns Septemeber 20th. The official line-up will be announced next Monday, but in the meantime, the rumours continue to swirl. In some cases "stars" is used very loosely...what do you think of these potential cast members?
Michael Bolton, Kirstie Alley, Audrina (from the Emmy award winning show, The Hills), Brandy, Ali and Roberto from The Bachelorette, David Hasselhoff piece de resistance...Mike "the Situation" Sorrentino.
Like I said, in some cases "stars" is used loosely. Cough, cough...The Situation...cough, cough.
Michael Bolton, Kirstie Alley, Audrina (from the Emmy award winning show, The Hills), Brandy, Ali and Roberto from The Bachelorette, David Hasselhoff piece de resistance...Mike "the Situation" Sorrentino.

Monday, August 23, 2010
The Ultimate Mash-Up
This. Is. Unbelievable.
But he makes it believable at the end when he breaks it down to show us how he made this.
Teenage Dream (Katy Perry) and Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars). Two great songs, now one AMAZING Mash-Up!!
But he makes it believable at the end when he breaks it down to show us how he made this.
Teenage Dream (Katy Perry) and Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars). Two great songs, now one AMAZING Mash-Up!!
Save the BC Black Bears

Wildlife officials said that because they have been fed by humans for the past few years, they're no longer capable of fending for themselves, and as a result would have to be put down. That didn't go over well. An online petition has been formed, looking for 2, 500 signatures to prevent this from happening.
If you're interested in signing, click here.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Is this for real? No, it?
A while back we heard rumours that Casey Affleck was making a movie about Joaquin Pheonix and his career. And it was going to be kinda weird. JP was doing all kinds of weirdo stunts, like appearing on the Dave Letterman show looking/acting like this. And other strange stuff like that.
So anyway. This documentary is about a lost year in the life of JP, as he quits Hollywood and takes the year off from movies to focus on his rap career.
But is this doc for real? Some say it's a mockumentary and that JP is taking method-acting to the extreme. Of course Casey Affleck and JP both insist it's for real and not a publicity stunt.
What do you think? I'm Still Here comes out September 10 in the US.

But is this doc for real? Some say it's a mockumentary and that JP is taking method-acting to the extreme. Of course Casey Affleck and JP both insist it's for real and not a publicity stunt.
What do you think? I'm Still Here comes out September 10 in the US.
Thursday, August 12, 2010

What? You don't know what I'm talking about?
OK, cliff notes version...The MV Sun Sea left Thailand 3 months ago and officials believe it's on its way to the island! So where are these migrants from? Sri Lanka. About 300 of them. Possibly some Tamil Tigers, too. Uh Oh.
Not only are they illegal, but many of them could be experiencing health problems, too. So Canadian officials will likely bring the ship to Victoria, where border officials, medical staff from Vic Gen, and everyone in between will be ready to deal with the situation.
At about 10:30am Thursday, the ship was tracked just west of Ucluelet.
Follow it here. At least then you'll be prepared.
To Refurbish or Replace...

That is the question. Err..was the question.
Today City Hall finally came to a conclusion on the fate of The Johnston Street Bridge...
Thoughts? Whether you're in favour, or not so much...make sure to be at the referendum on November 20 and vote!
Afterall, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Too cheesy?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
You know your job sucks when...
you curse out a customer, get on the airplane intercom to proclaim how much you hate your work and want to quit, then steal beer from the drink cart and activate the emergency exit for a quick tarmac getaway.

Yes. If you feel the need to do any of the above, your job must suck. Or you're crazy.
Like Steven Slater with JetBlue. That's exactly what he did last week as a flight was about to take off. One passenger wasn't co-operating with the "seatbelt" rule and kept on Steven took matters into his own hands.
He was arrested later at his home (facing 7 years in prison)...and since the incident, when asked if he has anything to say to the passenger, Steven replied "ha ha". Meanwhile, thousands of fans have joined a Steven Slater Tribute page on Facebook. So there's the silver lining??
What was your worst job?
Like Steven Slater with JetBlue. That's exactly what he did last week as a flight was about to take off. One passenger wasn't co-operating with the "seatbelt" rule and kept on Steven took matters into his own hands.
He was arrested later at his home (facing 7 years in prison)...and since the incident, when asked if he has anything to say to the passenger, Steven replied "ha ha". Meanwhile, thousands of fans have joined a Steven Slater Tribute page on Facebook. So there's the silver lining??
What was your worst job?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If you're a bigtime animal lover who's intial reaction upon seeing animals who need love and care is to adopt them...however could wind up with a couple dogs after reading this.
That's my disclaimer.
The Victoria SPCA recently came by over 40 chihuahuas who need either foster care or (better yet) a permanent LOVING home. The dogs were dropped off last week, and according to the SPCA, they're all very well behaved and affectionate.
They're looking for either donations for the medical expenses, or adoptive families. The Victoria SPCA is located at 3150 Napier Lane. You can reach them at 250-388-7722. The shelter is open for adoption from noon to 5 p.m., seven days a week.
Go ahead, make the call. Paris Hilton would.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Think you can Sing?
That's the challenge courtesy of Jason Derulo. But more specifically, do you think you can sing HIS songs?
If you do participate in this fun little experiment, make sure you nail his signature "Jason Deeerrrllllooo". Because as we all know, JD insists on starting all his songs by singing his own name.
If you do participate in this fun little experiment, make sure you nail his signature "Jason Deeerrrllllooo". Because as we all know, JD insists on starting all his songs by singing his own name.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Must be Cold in Miami!
Consider yourself warned.
Still brave enough to watch? OOOOOK...weirdo.
I Love Megan Fox...I mean The Way You Lie

Back to the video...WOW. It was intense. I felt like it should have had some "MUST BE 18 TO WATCH/HEAR THIS".
So you know what? I'm going to issue that warning. Also? DON'T SEND ME HATE MAIL FOR POSTING's the unsensored version, and we all know Em isn't one to avoid a couple F-bombs.
OK, now that I've covered myself, here it is.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Let's Celebrate Beautiful BC!

BC Day Celebrations:
Capital Festival Productions welcomes everyone in Victoria and beyond to a day of free music and entertainment at the BC Day Celebrations, Monday, August 2nd, 11am to dusk at two locations — St. Ann's Academy and an inaugural Westhills BC Day Celebration at City Center Park in Langford. The very best of talented musicians and BC Emerging Artists will be offered in a variety of musical performances continually throughout the day.
Fun for all ages! Bring a picnic or enjoy our great food and culinary treats served by the Victoria Marriott Inner Harbour Hotel downtown.
The Victoria Marriott Inner Harbour signature restaurant, Fire & Water is delighted to be the primary food supplier for the 2nd Annual Capital Festival BC Day Celebration at our downtown location. Executive Chef Dave Roger and his culinary team will be grilling up fare such as wild Salmon Burgers, mouth-watering Beef Burgers, and tangy Chicken Slouvaki. A variety of snacks and refreshments will also be available all day. Concession hours will be from 11:00am to 8pm at both of our BC Day locations.
Vancouver Island Brewery also proudly sponsors this year’s Beer Garden.
At the Westhills BC Day Celebration the entire Westshore community is welcomed to a day of entertainment, overlooking beautiful Langford lake. Fun for all ages! Enjoy the wonderful food vendors at the official opening of the wonderful new stadium complex at 1089 Langford Parkway in the City Center Park.
Throughout the day, we will showcase the talents of David Gogo, indie folk /rock artist Vince Vaccaro and Juno award winner Greg Scezbel ,Quinn & Qristina Bachand and so many others.
Capital Festival Productions also presents performances of the classic children’s opera Hansel and Gretel on Saturday July 31st and two more performances on BC Day, Monday Aug 2nd at our St Ann’s Academy location. View the magic of angels and woodland creatures in this enchanting production!
Please visit our Signature Main Stages in either location as we will feature some of the very best emerging artists and recognized BC musicians. Don’t miss this FREE event filled day of music and fun for everyone (featured performer’s performance schedule to the main stage a surprise).
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Bieberfever Goes Viral
As if dominating radio/tv/magazines/stadiums/the minds of teenage girls wasn't enough, Justin Bieber now has the most watched video on YouTube "Baby". Over 259 million people have watched and re-watched the profound music video. Myself included. A few times.
So what's the most watched non-music video? This little gem right here. Over 211 million people thought so.
Would it be as funny without the English accents? Probably not. Do I want to meet Charlie? Absolutely.
So what's the most watched non-music video? This little gem right here. Over 211 million people thought so.
Would it be as funny without the English accents? Probably not. Do I want to meet Charlie? Absolutely.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thurday's Share a Sunset Winner
Congrats to Michelle, winner of our last pair of tickets to see the BSBs next month in August!
Michelle writes...
Hi Brittany,Here's the pic I'd like to submit for entry into the contest for BSB tix.It's taken in Barbados, Dec 2009. I'm the happy bride! Photographer was afellow from the resort using our camera. I like how he (quite by accident)got the sun setting between us.Thanks for considering my entry!
Pam's too sexist for this ad...

In an email to PETA bosses, City Commissioner Josee Rocheford writes, "I have to inform you that we, as public officials representing a municipal government, cannot endorse this image of Ms Anderson. It is not so much controversial as it goes against all principles public organizations are fighting for in the everlasting battle of equality between men and women. We therefore will not give you a permit to hold your event on Place Jacques-Cartier."
What do you think?
I wonder if Pam knows that she's able to protest and support PETA and express how she feels about important issues while CLOTHED? Maybe she missed that memo...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Wednesday's Share a Sunset Winner

This sunset casts it's colours over a sandy beach on the Sunshine Coast. On a bandtrip with my jazzband, we experienced first hand that the "Suneshine Coast" really isn't that sunny! However when presented with this gorgeous sunset on the last night of our trip, those days of constant rain were made up for. A break in the showers and the clouds revealed this stunning sight.
It's my friends birthday coming up in August. She has a crazy obsession for the Backstreet Boys and would proababaly do anything to get tickets. If this photo won she would get a suprise of a life time with the best gift ever!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tuesday's Share a Sunset Winner

I spent a VERY romantic few nights on the Alsek river. Here is my favourite sunset and what a night. We’re looking at the Novatak glacier and being stalked by a grey wolf. He did us the great honour of leaving us alone, but his tracks were his calling card.
The Back Street boys? My girls grew up on them. I think they’d faint if I presented them tickets.
OK Karen, prepare to catch them as they faint, then! You win tickets to the BSBs!
The winning continues all go enjoy that stunning sunset, wherever you are!
Monday, July 12, 2010
National Share a Sunset with Your Lover Month!
So as we celebrate the occasion, I thought we could do a little contest for tickets to The Backstreet Boys!!
Because her picture was so beautiful, Abbie won today's tickets with this gorgeous sunset taken on a fishing trip near Sooke.
The winning continues all week long on KOOL FM. In the meantime, go enjoy that gorgeous sunset with your lover; it is July afterall.
Because her picture was so beautiful, Abbie won today's tickets with this gorgeous sunset taken on a fishing trip near Sooke.

Fish Tales!!

I, of course, caught the biggest was HUGE. Honestly. No, for real.
Don't believe me? Think I'm telling fish tales? Here are the pictures to prove it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Is this for real??

The original clip was removed, but of course there were some people who managed to record it before it was taken down…
The Israeli military isn’t impressed. They’re doing their own investigations, and if these soldiers get the boot from the army, they can always pursue their interest in dancing!
The Israeli military isn’t impressed. They’re doing their own investigations, and if these soldiers get the boot from the army, they can always pursue their interest in dancing!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
"I get to wear a speedo on a cloudy day!"
Best quote ever from this year's Victoria Pride Parade.
But what a day to forget the digi cam! Ugh. Thankfully the images will be with me forever.
This was the first Pride Parade I'd ever been to...never have I seen so many feathers, booty shorts and sparkles in my life.
What a great event to support! Happy Pride, Victoria!!
But what a day to forget the digi cam! Ugh. Thankfully the images will be with me forever.
This was the first Pride Parade I'd ever been to...never have I seen so many feathers, booty shorts and sparkles in my life.
What a great event to support! Happy Pride, Victoria!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Do I have something in my teeth?

All joking aside, Robin and Mira's Summer Spinach Salad from Darcy's Pub ROCKS! SSSOOO good, and sooo healthy! Spinach, strawberries, feta, slivered almonds, sundried apricots. YUM!
And even tastier is the fact that partial proceeds go towards Robin and Mira's fundraising for The Tour de Rock in support of Cops for Cancer. So go ahead, order another one. And send one to me, too. No, seriously. I've made myself hungry and want another one.
When you're done that salad, wash it down with any BIG ROCK product. Again, partial proceeds to The Tour!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Happy Father's Day!
...and get a new tie!

Honestly. Look at some of these...what did your dad ever do to deserve that kind of a gift from you? What? It wasn't a gift? He bought them himself? Well then he really needs something cool.
We're giving away a brand new Broil King BBQ from Capital Iron, and runner up prizes from Smoken Bones Cookshack in Langford.
So do your dad a favor, raid his closet and rid him of those awful ties. Send them to us for a chance to win him something that doesn't embarrass him, or the family!
1420 Broad Street.
So do your dad a favor, raid his closet and rid him of those awful ties. Send them to us for a chance to win him something that doesn't embarrass him, or the family!
1420 Broad Street.
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