Anyway, I'm thinking shortbread or sugar cookies this year...something easy. Because a few years ago we were making buttertarts and things didn't go well.
I was in charge of reading the amount of what ingredient to add. Should have used a ruler. The ingredients were on the left side, and the amount was on the right side. Where I should have told my friend to add a "dash of salt", I read the wrong amount, and told her instead, "5 tablespoons". Oopsie!
It gets worse. Since we hadn't yet realized the mistake, neither of us did a taste test before wrapping them up or handing out to friends, family and co-workers. Oopsie X 2.
You don't easily recover from that kind of embarrassment. They still tell me to stay out of the kitchen whenever I visit.
I mixed up an unlabled jar of beef stock for brown sugar once. Those cookies were terrible.