Tuesday, June 5, 2012

If they can get into it, chances are they will.

Tight spots. Messy situations. If they can get into it, whatever "it" is, kids will.

I was watching that show The Doctors today and they had a segment on kids crawling into those Claw Toy games at arcades. I guess if a kid really wants that stuffed animal, and they're small enough to try, maybe they'll crawl into the machine.

Win me back, Mommy!
What?!? How does that even happen? But then I started thinking, 'well I guess kids are crafty little things'...and I remembered that time in kindergarten that I got into a pickle of my own.

The scene: After school care at The Playhouse (North Saanich shoutout!) It was a rainy day and we had to stay undercover. There wasn't really a lot to do undercover so my friend took her umbrella and suggested we pretend to be at a soda shop and sip Coca Cola from the umbrella.

So there we were, sipping Coca Cola through our "straws", aka the umbrella spokes. When it was time to switch, I couldn't get mine out. Turns out there was no plastic cab to the umbrella spoke I was "drinking" from and the bare metal got intertwined in my bottom lip!

When my mom came, sure enough everyone was crowded around me, trying to untangle this umbrella spoke from my lip. No luck. Off to emergency we went.

I still remember the discomfort. Not so much from the spoke being lodged in my lip, but more the weight of a massive umbrella hanging out of my kindergarten size head.

A proud moment for my mom, no doubt.

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